Pros and Cons of dating a bald man

Dating a bald man has its pros and cons. If you're thinking about dating a bald man, check out this list of the positive and negative aspects of dating a bald man!

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If you've ever dated a bald man, you already know that he is a special breed of human. There's something about how confident they are with themselves and their appearance that makes them so attractive to women like us, but there are also some pros and cons to dating a bald man.

Let's look at both sides of the coin, shall we?

Pro: Bald men are masculine

They can be more confident than the average male because they don't need to worry about their appearance much. Plus, baldness is associated with virility and masculinity.

Pro: He'll never have bad hair days

Never having bad hair days is a significant pro if you're into the bald look. Never having to worry about how your hair looks or whether the wind or rain ruined them is yet another worry off his shoulder. He'll always look his best when he's with you.

Pro: There's less to clean in the shower

If you're dating a bald man, there's less to clean in the shower.

Fewer products to buy and use: Your partner doesn't need shampoo, conditioner, and styling gel anymore (unless he wants it). So you can save money by not having to buy these items for him.

Fewer minutes spent in the shower: A shaved head takes less time to wash than hair because there are no tangles or knots. Shaving also reduces showers by about five minutes per day - not much when spread out over months or years but still significant if you're short on time and want to get more done each day.

Pro: A bald man has a more prominent face and jawline

You can be sure that a bald man will never lose his hair. The only way they'll look like they're losing their hair is if they're growing a beard and you don't see their head.

If you like the look of a distinguished older man, then dating a bald guy is right for you. Baldness makes men seem more mature and prominent than those who have thick locks of hair that hide their faces and give them an air of youthfulness (think Judd Nelson in Breakfast Club).

A bald man's jawline is more prominent, giving him an angular appearance and making him look more masculine than someone with less pronounced facial features would appear to be.

Pro: His confidence can be infectious if you don't already have a lot of self-esteem

The bald man's confidence is infectious, and it can be great when you need someone to help lift your spirits. If you don't already have a lot of self-esteem, this person can help show you that there is more than one way to look at yourself.

You might not believe in yourself enough yet, but he will make sure that his confidence rubs off on yours. This will eventually turn into something positive for your relationship and your dating life overall because he'll think of ways to make sure that other people see the best parts of you too!

Con: You will never get to try out a variety of hairstyles with him

The biggest con of dating a bald man is that you will never get to try out a variety of hairstyles with him. Instead, you will have to settle for what he has, which may or may not be good enough for your taste.

The good part about it is that there isn't much room for error regarding hairstyle choices (which can be both good and bad).

If you don't like how he looks with his current hairstyle, then maybe you shouldn't be dating him in the first place?

Con: He'll need you to help check his head is well-shaved

Unfortunately, shaving the head isn't as easy as it sounds. It's a bit like maintaining a beard: The longer you do it, the more you have to pay attention to detail and make sure everything is done right.

If he makes a mistake — and he will — he'll need you to help him check his work. You don't want him walking around looking like an idiot with stray hairs sticking out everywhere when all his guy friends are at the beach with smooth heads.

Con: They may feel self-conscious about their appearance

This con is likely more common with balding man, rather than bald man. It's also possible that a recently-shaved bald man has not yet embraced his new look.

Bald men may indeed feel self-conscious about their appearance; they might not like the way they look without a full head of hair, or they may not like the way other people react to them.

Some bald men will try to cover up their baldness by using a hat, combing the remaining hair over, or shaving the sides and back of their heads so that it looks like they have more hair than they actually do. If this sounds like you, please don't do it.

This can backfire if these tricks are not done well. It can also give others an inaccurate impression of how much hair a man has lost if he is wearing a hat all of the time.

We do believe that this is a temporary phase and that sooner or later it will go away, but it can certainly apply to many men.

Final Thoughts

The bottom line is that every relationship has advantages and disadvantages, including one with a bald man.

Whether or not you decide to date one is up to you, but at least now you know what may be in store for you if you do!

Remember that none of this website's content is medical advice: always consult a specialist before taking any decision about your health.

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