What do women think about bald men on dating apps?

The key is to show off your personality and confidence - don't focus on whether or not you have hair!

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When I was a kid, I remember my mom telling me that if a man loses his hair, he's not as attractive anymore.

Then I got older and realized that there are a lot of people out there who think like my mom. That bald men aren't attractive. That they're less than other men because they don't have hair.

But here's the truth: being bald does not make you less than any other man! You are still just as handsome, just as smart, just as funny and charming; and with enough confidence and personality to back it up, no one will even notice your lack of hair!

Want to know how I know? Simple, I met my current fiancee on a dating app. And he's proudly bald.

Confidence is the key

It's not that women are attracted to baldness. In fact, it seems like they're less attracted to a guy who is already balding before he even starts losing his hair.

So why do bald guys have more luck than balding ones?

Confidence! When a woman sees a bald man who knows how cool their look is, she knows that he is confident in himself, and therefore confident in her as well. That makes her feel safe with him—and protected from any potential trolls or haters out there who might try to bring her down because of how she looks.

Showing your personality is your priority

And what about personality? If a guy has confidence AND a great personality, then he will always win over his competition - regardless of whether or not he has hair on top of his head!

So if you're a bald man, don't let your lack of hair hold you back from being yourself, showing off your personality, and making the best first impression possible on a dating app.

How do bald men make women feel?

If a guy has a receding hairline and is wearing a hat all the time, it makes me wonder if he's hiding something. When I see someone bald, though, I think "Oh! He's so confident! He knows who he is!"

I asked some of my female colleagues to share their thoughts on this topic. Here's what they had to say:

  • "Bald men make me feel like I can be myself! They aren't trying to impress me with their hair."
  • "I don't know if I'm attracted to bald guys because I like the confidence that comes with being bald or because I think they'd be great in bed."
  • "There's nothing to be ashamed of."

Why do you think you can't get dates if you're bald?

Let's be real: there are a lot of reasons why you might think you can't get dates if you're bald.

Maybe it's because bald men are supposedly considered less attractive than their haired counterparts. Or maybe it's because people assume that being bald means you have cancer or some other serious health condition; some people might even assume that being bald means you're more likely to die earlier than those with hair — and therefore not worth the investment of a relationship.

Of course, nothing of the above is true. If anything, a clean and well-groomed bald man can look healthier, more successful, and more professional than other men.

So, what do women think about bald men on dating apps?

The answer is: they don't care about your hair! The key to success on dating apps is the confidence that you transmit through your bio and your photos. So if you are confident, even if you're bald, women will find you attractive.

Of course, on a dating app, this is easier said than done: check out our article on how to become a successful bald man on Tinder.

Women want to know that they can trust you and be themselves around you. They want to see your personality and how much fun you are.

A bald head doesn't mean anything unless you have a personality to match it. If you can show her that you're confident, she won't care whether or not your head is covered in hair.

Remember that none of this website's content is medical advice: always consult a specialist before taking any decision about your health.

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