Do women find bald men to be more attractive?

If you are balding, you may be wondering how women will react to your look. In this article, we answer what women will like and what not about your bald look.

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The question of whether or not women find bald men to be more attractive has been a long-running debate.

In this article, we look at the research and talk to experts in the field to find out if there's any truth to the notion that women are more likely to be attracted to a bald man.

Do women prefer bald men?

If your question is: do women prefer bald men? That's probably no. Very few women will prefer a bald head to one full of hair, but it doesn't mean they will prefer a haired man to a bald one.

Women rarely dream of their future husbands being a bald man. But, of course, this has nothing to do with whether they will be down to dating one.

We explore why this is true in this article and look at some of the science behind it.

Many women find bald men sexy and many bald guys indeed attract the ladies

Many women find bald men sexy and many bald guys indeed attract ladies. In addition, baldness is associated with dominance, high self-esteem, and confidence: these traits are very attractive to women.

A theory suggests that women perceive men with higher levels of testosterone as being more dominant or masculine. This may explain why some women prefer men with shaved heads to those who have hair on their heads.

Being bald can look good as long as a man is hygenic and put together

The truth is, women don't necessarily find bald men more attractive.

For many women, being bald is not the main issue. Many women have said that the real issue is not being hygenic or well-kept, like, unfortunately, many bald(ing) men who let themselves go.

If you're bald and looking for a date, there are some things you can do to make yourself more attractive to women.

  • Take care of your appeareance. Make sure you're clean-shaven and well-groomed. This will help you win over any potential dates with ease!
  • Wear fit clothes - Secondly, make sure you're wearing clothes that fit well and compliment your body type. It's always important to dress well when going out on a date because it shows that you care about yourself and about impressing your date (or potential dates).

Bald is a good look on lots of men. Awkward comb-overs aren't a good look on anyone. Embrace what you've got and make it work for you

While most women don't particularly dislike bald men, comb-overs are not exactly at the top of their list. So what does it mean for you?

  • Consider a no-guard look - If you're balding, shave it all to avoid comb-overs and weird-looking hairstyles. A bit of wind will ruin it, and it won't look good.
  • Rock the bald - Embrace what you have, and rock it. Be proud of your baldness and show it doesn't bother you. A woman can love that.

If someone owns their baldness and doesn't try to hide it

Other women have mentioned how trying to hide a bald head can significantly impact how they feel about a man.

If someone owns their baldness and doesn't try to hide it, the answer is yes, they can be attracted to them.

A bald man who is confident in his appearance is more attractive than one who tries to hide his lack of hair.

Being bald is not a make-or-break quality for attraction

Balding is definitely a thing, but it's not necessarily a make-or-break quality for attraction. Women take the whole of their appearance and personality before making a decision about whether or not they're attracted to them.

That being said, women tend to feel that it looks much better being clipped very short as opposed to having longish hair that's receding or has baldy patches, and it's not hard to imagine why.

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