How to be a successful bald man on Tinder

From profile pictures to messaging this article gives you tips on making the most of your baldness

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So you've decided to shave your head and go on Tinder. Awesome! But now what? It's not easy to be a bald guy on Tinder, but it can be done.

As someone who found his partner on Tinder, I know something about what works and what doesn't. This article explains how to do well on Tinder and other dating apps.

Stop making excuses

  • "Tinder doesn't work for bald guys."
  • "Girls won't date me because I'm bald"

I call the above excuses. This is not to say that dating a bald man is easy: not at all, bald or not. Dating is hard nowadays, but it doesn't mean being successful as a bald man is impossible.

I've heard many excuses from fellow baldies as to why they're not on the dating app or never tried (despite wanting to!). So here I am to say: while dating a bald man can be more challenging, we can use it as an advantage or motivation to improve other areas of our life.

For example, grooming well, getting healthy and fit, a new clothing style, being an interesting and smart man: if you think women are only after your hair, I am here to tell you it's not the case.

Be well-groomed, shave your head well

Contrary to popular belief, grooming is even more critical when being bald. Unfortunately, we don't have many ways to style our heads, but we can (and should!) look clean and well-groomed.

With that said, remember to:

  1. Purchase a good shaving kit - get a good razor, an electric razor, or both. Make sure you do not develop skin redness and nasty red bumps.
  2. Groom regularly - shave your head and your face well and often
  3. Use aftershave - use aftershave to keep your head moisturized and clean

As a bald guy, you might not be feeling the best about your appearance when it comes to shaving. But don't worry! A little preparation can go a long way in ensuring that you look great every time—and get all the attention on Tinder you deserve.

Shaving well is the first step towards being a successful bald man on Tinder.

Get a great body! Exercise and hit the gym

Women are indeed more attracted to men with fit bodies. In fact, according to research conducted on dating apps like Tinder, women tend to swipe right on photos of men who are toned or muscular than they do on those who are just average or overweight.

So if you want to increase your chances to get swiped right by many women on Tinder, hit the gym and stay active.

Develop and transmit confidence

It's important to remember that confidence is not the same thing as arrogance. Instead, confidence means being comfortable with who you are and what you have to offer.

Confidence can be learned and developed over time through practice, but it's not something everyone has. If you don't have it, then use your voice! Ensure your tone conveys confidence when communicating with others via text message or phone call.

Have some decent bio lines prepared

If you're going to be a bald guy on Tinder, you need to have some good bio lines prepared. In fact, writing a good bio is fundamental, regardless of the number of hair on your head.

The best way to do this? It's about finding the right balance between honesty, positivity, and confidence.

You'll also want to be specific in your bio: mentioning things like your interests or hobbies can show potential matches that there are more sides to you than just "bald guy."

Post good photos

First, you'll want to post a well-lit and well-composed photo: this doesn't mean it has to be professionally shot in a studio; just make sure your face isn't too dark or bright, and the background isn't distracting.

Simple rules for posting good Tinder photos

  1. Do not hide the fact you're bald or balding, use a picture that is up to date. Remember, the goal is not to get matches; it's dating your matches.
  2. Post one photo with yourself - it allows others to recognize you in a group photo
  3. Post one or more photos of yourself while enjoying your hobbies, or why not, your work
  4. Post one photo with your friends; people love to meet people who have a fun social circle
  5. Post one with a pet (well, if you have one!)

Have hobbies and interests and develop a good personality

Your hobbies, interests, and personality make you who you are. The more exciting and well-rounded a person you can be, the better your chances of finding someone who shares your passion for things that matter to you.

Here's an example: if cooking is one of your hobbies, it might not hurt to mention that in your profile.

Although this may seem like a prominent piece of advice (and it is), it is not uncommon that other guys may not have gotten any matches simply because their profiles didn't include any information about themselves or their interests.

The takeaway is that an uninteresting profile can perform much worse than a bald head.

Put yourself out there

Make sure you feel good about yourself and put it there for women to see. It will work out. To be successful on Tinder, you have to put yourself out there.

You must be true to yourself and confident in who you are. If women see that the bald guy on Tinder is confident in who he is and what he has to offer, they will be more likely to swipe right!

Nothing worked. What to do?

Tinder and dating apps, in general, can be hard - especially if you're young and your target match is on the younger side (18-25).

Here's the deal: women have only a few photos and a short bio to judge you, and that makes it harder for us to shine through. Even if getting dates on Tinder can be hard, it doesn't mean that your dating life is doomed.

In real life, instead, the game is different: you have far more at your disposal than a few pictures. This is where your confidence, charm, and personality can truly make a difference.


We hope this guide has helped you understand how to be a successful bald guy on Tinder.

We know it isn't easy, but if you follow these few simple steps, you can be one of the many men who have found love, happiness, and success with their bald heads!

Remember that none of this website's content is medical advice: always consult a specialist before taking any decision about your health.

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