Hairstyles for men with male pattern baldness

If you're sick of your hairline and are looking for a new style, check out this article on hairstyles for men with male pattern baldness.

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The reality is that men with male pattern baldness have to deal with it. It's an inescapable part of life, and you must accept it.

In this article, we'll look at some hairstyles for men dealing with male pattern baldness. Hopefully, they'll help you feel more confident while also ensuring that your head looks as good as possible!


The comb-over is one of the most popular hairstyles among balding men. This style involves parting the hair on the side of your head, then combing it over a receding hairline. This look is so popular because it's easy to maintain and requires little styling.

However, if you have a big enough bald spot or want to wear an undercut in addition to your traditional long hair, this hairstyle probably isn't right for you (unless you want people staring at your scalp).

The Buzz Cut

The buzz cut is the most effortless hairstyle to maintain. It looks great on anyone and is a good option for men with male baldness who want to keep their hair short.

In addition, the fact that it's so low maintenance makes it an ideal choice for those who enjoy wearing hats or prefer short hair in general.

Shaved Head

One of the most popular styles for balding men is a shaved head. This look is one of the most common and classic hairstyles that have been around since well before today's modern times. It can be worn in many ways, including with facial hair or without it.

The great thing about this haircut is that it works no matter your age, face shape, or ethnicity because there are so many variations to choose from depending on how much hair you want to keep around the sides and back of your head.

If you're going for the classic bald look but don't want people thinking you're completely devoid of style or self-esteem (or don't feel like spending money on razor blades), then this may be where we can help!

BaldHQ's Opinion: Shave It All Off!

Our opinion is that the shaved head is the most masculine, easiest to maintain, and most versatile hairstyle for men with male pattern baldness. It's also the most youthful and attractive look. In addition, a well-groomed shaved head with stubble can make you look stylish.

We believe that the best way to wear a shaved head is by keeping it short all over (with no hair on your crown) or slightly longer in front of your ears but short on the sides. This will give you clean lines around your face and allow others to see any hair growth on top of your scalp quickly!

You have no choice about going bald, but you have options about dealing with it.

You might not be able to stop your hair from falling out, but you can control your appearance. The most important thing is not to let it get you down.


If you're lucky, your hairline may recede in your 30s or 40s. However, if this happens to you and you've never had a good head of hair, don't despair! You can still have a good time with the bald look — and even look more stylish than ever.

The key is to own it and not let anyone else make you feel bad about it. That might mean shaving off all your hair or just getting creative with the style that works for you.

Whatever route you choose, remember that plenty of guys out there agree: being bald isn't so bad after all!

Remember that none of this website's content is medical advice: always consult a specialist before taking any decision about your health.

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