Best looks for bald men

Looking sharp is a very important part of a bald guy's life. It's not just about looking good—it's about feeling confident, and that's what we're all about!

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A bald head can be a powerful look. It exudes confidence, and it's a style that's easy to pull off. If you're going for a shaved head, you must ensure it's clean and well-groomed.

You also need to have the right clothes on if you want to look your best. So without further ado, here are the best looks for bald guys.


The Buzz Cut

A buzz cut is an excellent option for bald guys who haven't fully lost thair hair but want to look clean and well-kept. If you choose this style, keep it neat and well-groomed by shaving regularly with a clipper (and not a rotatory head shaver).

The buzz cut is perhaps one of the most popular choices among bald men. The look is sharp and stylish but still manages not to draw too much attention away from your face. It's also easy to maintain - as long as you shave with a quality clipper every few days.

A popular person rocking the buzz cut is Fabio Cannavaro, a once-upon-a-time long-haired Italian soccer player, winner of the world cup, and Ballon d'Or.

Clean Shave

The Clean shave look is great for those who can't grow a neat beard (like myself!). Contrary to the popular advice of growing a beard, bald guys rocking the clean shave have a perfectly shaved face and head, with minimal or no mustache. Many men will look younger, with a sweeter and cleaner look.

A popular person is The Rock, one of the most famous bald icons.

Long Beard

Most fellow bald men preach having a long beard to make the best of your bald looks, and for some, it's definitely true.

A long beard can help you look more handsome and cover up any skin visible on your neck or jaw line. It's important to note that this look works well for both formal and casual occasions, so don't shy away from wearing suits or t-shirts with this style!


Round Glasses

Round glasses are classic and have been popular since the 1920s: they are an excellent choice for men looking more intelligent and classy, making your eyes stand out from your face and help draw attention to them.

When it comes to eyewear styles, Stan Tucci is the mean to beat (or take inspiration from!):

Suit Up!

A suit is always a classic look, even more so when bald.

You'll want to make sure ensure your outfit is on point and that you should invest in high-quality fabrics and accessories like a pocket square, watch and tie clip.

A pair of sunglasses will also help add an air of sophistication to your ensemble.

If you want to look at a baldie who pulls off incredible looks with his suits and clothing, look no further than Pep Guardiola:

Polo Shirt and Chino

The Polo Shirt and Chino combo is one of the most versatile looks for bald men. It works well in any situation, whether you're wearing a blazer or not. The clean, simple style is a classic that will never go out of fashion.

For example, take a look at this Permanent Style combination below:

Dressing better is one of the first steps to reivent ourselves as bald men

As a bald guy you can reinvent yourself with amazing looks like the ones we've shown above! Yes, it's naive to think that we could simply look like superstars just by dressing by them, but that's not the goal: the above are suggestions to improve your own looks by taking inspiration from others.

Clothing better is one of the most fundamental ways to reinvent ourselves as bald men, together with a healthy lifestlye and mindset.

I hope you enjoyed the article; yes, we won't be superstars, but we can surely be our better selves we can be!

Remember that none of this website's content is medical advice: always consult a specialist before taking any decision about your health.

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