How to style hair to not look bald

If you have a bald spot or thinning hair, here's how to style it so it doesn't look like you're balding.

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Baldness is a common issue, but that doesn't mean you can't be stylish.

There are a few ways to style your hair so it looks good and covers bald spots.

Disguise your baldness

If you are bald, there are plenty of ways to disguise your baldness: one way is by using a hat.

The obvious way: cover your head

A baseball cap or newsboy cap can help hide the top of your head if you're going for a casual look. If you need more coverage, try a wide-brimmed fedora or cowboy hat.

If you're looking for something that'll keep the sun out of your eyes while still adding some style, try pairing one with an accessory like sunglasses or a scarf to add color and texture to an otherwise plain outfit.

Wear accessories

Another option is wearing wigs or hairpieces over what little hair remains on your head—you might want to ask around before adopting this method, though, as it is pretty obvious when someone has added extra length (and weight) through artificial means.

Regardless if it's natural or fake, both options still require maintenance, such as washing/brushing every few days, so make sure there's nothing else going on before deciding which route works best for how often yours needs attention!

Choose an interesting haircut

Choosing the right hairstyle for your hair loss can be difficult, but it's important to remember that a good haircut is not just about how it looks on you.

It should also consider what you want out of your style and how you will maintain it. So here are some things to think about:

Is this haircut easy to style?

How much maintenance will you need? If you have thinning hair, look for styles that don't require a lot of product or styling tools (like curling irons).

In addition, you'll want less time in front of the mirror each day and less chance of damaging your scalp.

Does this haircut suit my face shape?

The best way to find out if a particular style suits you is by asking someone who knows their way around scissors — your stylist!

They'll know what works best for different face shapes and can help guide which cuts would look flattering on you instead of making you look like an odd combination from someone else's closet.

Does this haircut suit my personality?

A great stylist will understand more than just how much length or volume works with your natural assets; they'll also know what kind of personality goes with them! So when they consider factors like age and profession when suggesting styles, don't be afraid to tell them precisely what makes up "you."

Grow a beard

Of course, you can also grow a beard. Beards are in fashion these days and will help you hide your baldness by covering up the top of your head.

You have to decide whether you want to keep it short or long; short beards are good for hiding a receding hairline, but if you have a full head of hair, this won't work for you. On the other hand, longer beards are better suited for men with thinner hair on their heads because they'll give more coverage—and more length—to what's there.

If growing out facial hair has always been something that terrifies or intimidates you — I'm here to tell you: it's easier than you think! All it takes is patience and knowledge about how different grooming products work together.

Balding does not mean you can't be stylish!

Don't worry about being bald. Own it!

Be confident in yourself and your style, regardless of your appearance. You may not have hair to cover up anymore, but there are plenty of ways to ensure that you look good and feel great without worrying about hiding any bald spots or thinning hair.

One way of styling your hair is getting a good haircut, regardless of whether you are balding: a good cut can make anyone look better instantly by taking care of their features and making them stand out more positively than if they were just left alone.


Don't be scared to experiment with your hair and do things that make you feel great. You should never worry about what other people think of you, especially regarding your appearance.

People who are genuinely worth knowing will love you for being yourself!

Remember that none of this website's content is medical advice: always consult a specialist before taking any decision about your health.

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