How to come to terms with balding?

If you're feeling down about balding, you're not alone. Read this article to learn some ways to accept going bald.

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Balding is something that many men have to deal with. For some, it's not a big deal, and they don't mind it. However, others feel they need to do something about it as soon as possible because they need to compensate for their lack of hair. And lastly, unfortunately, many men fall into depression.

In this article, we want to discuss a topic that isn't very much talked about: coming to terms with balding and accepting the new you. Not only do we think you can overcome this temporary feeling, we think you can do your best to become the best person that you can be.

Accept that this is the way it's going to be

The first step toward coping with your balding is acceptance. Accept that this is how it will be and that no amount of hair product or flashy hairlines will change the fact that you're losing your hair.

Do not confuse acceptance with resignation; however—you can still be happy and confident without having a full head of hair. Approval does not mean giving up hope; instead, it means acknowledging reality for what it is and making peace with the situation so that you can move forward without constantly thinking about what could have been but isn't anymore.

People care less than you think

You've probably heard that people care more about your hair loss than you do. But here's the thing: they're not really thinking about it. At all.

It's a common feeling that balding men are afraid of what the people around them will think if they shaved their hair, and will find out they're balding.

Unfortunately, I know by experience that it's very hard to shake the feeling, and it's not until after the fact that it became apparent: people don't care, and for the most part, they were absolutely supportive.

While it's true that you will hear the occasional joke about it, for the most part, it's not done in bad faith. If you're confident about it, the joke is on them, 100% of the time.

The truth is that people are just trying to get through life and make sense of the world around them. They don't have time to think about whether you're balding or what that means for you or the way your life has changed because of it.

So if you're feeling bad about your balding situation, remember this: People care less than you think.

Focusing on the positives may be one way to boost your confidence

Some men feel self-conscious about their balding and focus on it, making themselves more unhappy about losing their hair.

It would be best if you tried not to focus on this problem to feel better about yourself and your looks.

Instead of thinking about how much worse, you look than other guys with full heads of hair, think about what makes you unique in different ways - such as your sense of humor or how well-dressed you are.

Many men resort to other ways to compensate for their lack of hair; not that you need to, but if it's something that can make you feel better, why not? For example, you can start by learning new hobbies, hitting the gym, losing weight, and so on.

See hair loss as an opportunity for reinvention

If you're feeling down about your hair loss, the first thing to do is re-evaluate your life. If you aren't happy with what's going on in your current position, it's time to make changes.

The first step towards boosting your mood and your confidence is to reinvent yourself if you feel that you need to. This can be done in many ways but it's up to you to understand what it is that you want.

Stop comparing yourself to others.

The first and most important thing to do when coping with baldness is to stop comparing yourself to others.

Don't worry about what other people think of you or how you look compared to them. You don't need their validation, so why should you care?

Instead, focus on your appearance and well-being.

Become your better self

Balding can be difficult to cope with, especially when you feel like you're the only one experiencing it.

But, as we've seen, there are many ways to come to terms with your hair loss and find peace within yourself. You may even find that balding allows you to reinvent yourself positively and become a better version of yourself.

Remember that none of this website's content is medical advice: always consult a specialist before taking any decision about your health.

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