The best advantages of being a bald man

Are you considering going bald? We have some things to say about why it's worth it.

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I've been balding since I was a teenager, and while it's not always easy, there are a lot of advantages that come with being a bald man.

In my early twenties, I started shaving my head because I couldn't stand how thinning up top my hair had become. But as time went on, it became less about the look and more about the feeling—being bald felt so much better than having an awkward combover situation going on.

In this article, we will list some of the reasons why being a bald man can be advantageous.

You save a lot of money on hair care products and hair cuts

The time you save on hair care products can be put toward other things. For example,

Not having to spend money on shampoo and conditioner means that you're saving money on something that doesn't matter as much in your life. You don't need an expensive bottle of shampoo, but if that makes you feel good about yourself, then go for it! In fact, we recommend you use it: find out why bald men should use a shampoo.

Not having to get haircuts saves even more time and money by eliminating something from your life that's not necessary. Unless there's something wrong with the way your hair looks naturally, then it's probably fine how it is.

You can reinvent yourself at any time by growing a beard or mustache

One of the great things about being bald is that you can reinvent yourself at any time by growing a beard or mustache.

You can be creative with your facial hair, and it will look good even if it grows thin or patchy. A lot of guys who decide to stop shaving their heads do so because they have trouble growing facial hair, but if you are one of those guys, don't worry.

While having a full head of hair might be considered attractive in today's society, there's nothing wrong with not having one—and there are plenty of benefits to going without!

You can get ready much quicker in the morning

The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about being a bald man is the time you'll save in the morning.

You can get ready much quicker because there's no need to spend time styling your hair, and it takes less time because you don't have to shave. In fact, I'm able to get ready in under five minutes!

As a bald man myself, this has been one of my favorite benefits so far. If you're looking for ways to save time in the morning without sacrificing style or comfortability, then being a bald man might be right for you too!

You focus on other areas, like being fit and well-groomed

On the other hand, being bald can allow you to focus on other areas of your appearance.

You might choose to get a great haircut or visit the gym more often. You may decide that it's time for a new wardrobe, or even work on growing out your beard.

Baldness doesn't mean that you have to be lazy or sloppy with your appearance — it just means that you have an opportunity to build confidence in other areas of life!

Every day is a good hair day

One advantage to being bald is that you don't have to worry about the weather. There's a reason the bald look is often associated with power and control: it's because having a shaved head gives you full control of how you want your hair to look.

You also don't have to worry about bad hair days! You'll never get caught in that awkward situation where your hairstyle doesn't match the outfit you're wearing (or vice versa).

You will look younger later in life

One of the most obvious advantages of being bald is that you will look younger. As we age, many people's hair becomes thinner and grayer: this can make them look older than they actually are, but if you're bald, it's not an issue!

In fact, bald men will look younger than their peers as they age.


It’s a known fact that some bald men look younger.

There’s a reason why some of Hollywood’s most handsome actors are bald, and it doesn’t have anything to do with their personality or charm.

Being born with hair or losing it later in life isn’t something we can control, but there are ways you can make the most out of your situation. You just need to embrace your new look, whether you shave your head completely or choose to keep some stubble around for style points.

Remember that none of this website's content is medical advice: always consult a specialist before taking any decision about your health.

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